A tragic tale unfolds in Kisoro as the members of Kisoro District Local Government Pensioners Association (KIGOPA) who fear that their lives and service to their government was all for nothing as some members die off without accessing their pension funds.
Nizeyimana William, the Association’s Chairperson Elect who said at least eight members died in this financial year 2023- 2024 adding that their deaths can easily be linked to lack of finances to pay medical bills in time.
Some of the members who have recently passed on include Uzayireba Thaddeus (retired teacher), Lezaho James (retired head teacher), Kwitegetse William, Nshizurungu Steven, Nsezonga William, a medic, Nsekuye Erick and Erius Bapfakure among others.
Pensioners in Kisoro district have only received pension for the first two months of this financial year. The rest of the months are characterized by struggle to paid loans in banks, school fees for their children and medical bills for chronic illnesses.
Nizeyimana says the problems stem from poor leadership of KIGOPA which is under Nshaka Erastus.
Mr Nshaka Erastus is a retired head teacher, the current chairperson of Kisoro District Service Commission and the chairperson of KIGOPA.
He also contested on the post of District LCV chairperson but lost to Abel Bizimana.
Voice of Muhabura Contacted Nshaka Erastus on the allegations and he said he was not aware of their claims. He added that all pensioners should be ready for their pension money before this month ends.
Nizeyimana William further urged the chairperson to honorably leave the office because he has failed to help the pensioners’ access their money.
State Minister for Youth and Children affairs Sarah Mateke, Bukimbiri County MP Hon Eddie Kwizera and Bufumbira East Member of Parliament Hon. Dr. James Nsaba Buturo were recognized as some of the leaders who are fighting for pensioners in Kisoro to access their money.
Our reporter Banabasi Kamusiime attempted to call the Honorable MPs, but their known telephone numbers were switched off. Voice of Muhabura will keep following this story.
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