By Gerald Niyirinda
The Leaders of Nyundo Sub County in Kisoro district have said an operation to kill all dogs caught straying will be trapped and killed using poison.
Ntakirutimana Christine, Nyundo Sub County Chief said a plan has been developed with the District Production officer and the District Veterinary Officer to trap and ambush dogs caught moving freely because they are the ones killing all the sheep.
All Sheep owners have also been advised to withdraw all their animals from the forests and keep them home for at least two weeks until the operation of killing stray dogs is completed.
Ntakirutimana said roasted meat laced with poison will be placed in strategic spots where the dogs can meet it and ingest it leading to their eventual death.
The comments come a day after residents of Nyundo Sub County threatened to demonstrate after dogs killed 91 Sheep.
Dogs in Bukimbiri County continue to remain a major concern for locals in the area who are counting losses after their sheep and goats feeding in the wild are attacked, injured and in worst case scenario, eaten by the dogs.

Dog owners in the area have disassociated themselves from the accusations of dog attacks on people’s sheep saying their animals cannot behave in such a manner.
Intelligence in Nyundo Sub County indicates that some dogs attacking sheep and goats come from neighboring Sub counties of Bukimbiri and Nyakabande.
During a Sub County meeting last week, Kisoro Resident District Commissioner Hajji Shafiq Sekandi issued a directive to have all dog owners tagging their dogs.
The tag would include the name of the owner and his telephone contacts.
According to Sekandi, the owner of dog should pay for the loss alongside a hefty fine for any dog captured during an ambush.
Mukozi Village LC I chairperson Bahati Richard says at least 30 dogs in his village were tagged with the support of the district veterinary officer however most chairpersons in the other 16 villages did not take the call with seriousness.
Bahati says many dog owners who realize their dog has been involved in such an incident finds a way of selling it off in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Several LC Is who spoke to say it is imperative that sensitization of communities is carried out before such an operation is conducted.
They also proposed that deep holes of five feet can be dug around the roasted meat in order to trap the dogs without necessarily killing them with poison because they offer a vital service of security.
Nyundo LC III Chairperson Fred Mutambuzi Kanyaruju confirmed that many dogs are coming from the neighboring sub counties of Bukimbiri and Nyakabande.
He called on the leadership of the two neighboring Sub Counties to embrace the campaign of poisoning all dogs caught without tags and are involved in the massacre of sheep and goats.
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