By: Kamusime Barnabas
Born and raised in Kabaya Village, Hospital ward Southern Division Kisoro district. Joshua Niyonshima is a son to teachers; Mr. Charles Nshimiyimana and Mrs.NshimiyimanaKellen. He grew up in a family of six, four sisters and a brother. Being groomed by teachers, Joshua adopted discipline, respect for authorities, truth and love as his core Values.
Joshua attended Gisoro Primary School from 2002-2009 where he served in portfolios of timekeeper, head monitor and Academic prefect. In 2010, he joined Kisoro Vision Secondary School for Lower Secondary School education. In his O’Level Niyonshima was active in YCS as the secretary and debating club. He excelled with 22 points and later on joined Muhabura Shine Secondary School for Higher Secondary education. Joshua revived debating club at Shine, where different aspects of life that affected students and the public were tackled.
In 2016, Niyonshima enrolled for his undergraduate degree at Uganda Christian University Bishop Barham College. At the University, he served in positions of Chairperson Bafumbira Students Association, GRC Non-Residents and Guild Speaker of the Voice for progress government. He also became the Publicity Secretary for KADGALA, a body that unites all guild leaders in Kabale district. While Publicity Secretary, he managed to bring Voice of Kigezi, Coca-Cola, NBL and Smile telecom to partner with the association. In this effect, successful sport galas were organized.
In 2019, Joshua graduated with a Bachelor’s of Arts in Mass Communication of Uganda Christian University.
Joshua Niyonshima is currently working with Voice of Muhabura as a sub news editor and a presenter of Ukuri program a facts-discussion based show.
It is from this fertile ground of idealism that Joshua desires to serve Ugandans as the lc5 Councilor Southern Division.
As a patriotic youth, there has been youth marginalization in politics and even the few that have striven through have been corrupted joining the juntas in exploitation of fellow youth and Ugandans.
- In Joshua’s journalism journey, there has been a chance to travel Kisoro district and Uganda at large. This has opened up his eyes to the injustices that are being done to our People{Ugandans}.Mothers are dying every day while giving birth, just because they cannot access faster transport to hospitals. Poor roads are the major cause.
- Voting is no longer for People with ideas that can lead to development but rather for the rich who can bribe voters with mere drink.
- The Ugandan child is living at the mercy of God; their rights are being violated, merely because they are not aware of them.
- Job allocation in our land is now a business, ‘Mwenende,’ is the popular phrase; you all know how offices here in our district are being given. Without a bribe it is next to impossible to occupy an office. This must stop.
- Kisoro district land is being given out at the mercy of shallow minded People with Personal interest. We wonder where the future government initiatives will be placed. Such cliques must be eliminated.
- Poor priotisation of services. It was such an inconsiderate manner for Kisoro Municipality to allocate funds that would have constructed a government secondary school in the municipality to two primary schools of Gisoro and Seseme for toilet construction. How many job opportunities were destroyed, how many students were denied access to cheap education. Such acts must be confronted.
- Safe water is no longer a priority for the Ugandans, it is a night mare. Women and Children are moving miles for just a jerry can of water. Even in areas with water taps, they seem dry and we keep wondering what their use maybe.
- Government Institutions have come to a standstill, they no longer perform, yet they are better equipped with learning tools and some descent level of staffing compared to private schools that have took the lead.
- Unfair taxation, social media tax and several others, together we can fight this.
- Wars at its peak in district councils, where will development come from when what is being done is exchange of words and blows instead of discussing fundamental issues for development.
- We have witnessed our district becoming the last in performance according to statistics, could this be false or true, We have to verify ourselves.
― Efrat Cybulkiewicz -“In order to reach your destination, you first need to face thousands of deceptions. But it’s worth it, because each grey cloud, each tear, each sweat are ingredients to get you there.”
Am sure we shall meet many challenges in and out but all that will come out will be absolute victory. TogetherWe shall wear the crown;Together we shall save the world.
Anthony Liccione once said“When something goes wrong, look deep into yourself — not in an emotional way, to blame yourself or indulge your feelings of guilt, but to make sure that you start your next campaign with a firmer step and greater vision.”
Here I come we must fight a battle within it’s the best way to end oppression, water must be accessible, education and medical care must be available to all People whether rich or poor.For truth and love we shall save our land and put to an end corruption.
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