Residents of Bigina Village, Southern ward Kisoro Municipality and those of Rutaka in Bukimbiri Constituency today gathered to say their farewells to deceased Franklin Ayebare, aged 15 who died as a result of heart related conditions.
No sooner than the burial procession was done, than the skies let loose of the rains, in a time known for dry heat and windy conditions best for beans harvesting. It is common knowledge that rain signifies that a soul that has gone to the lord was a humble and good soul.
Dear Ayebare was only 15 years with a full life ahead of her. Senior two is a time to experience and discover your passions, and the late Ayebare was no exception, she had her full life ahead of her.
A student of St. Mary’s Rushoroza, Kabale succumbed to heart related conditions and not COVID 19 as rumors claimed.
The parents, both medical workers, Francis Asiimwe, a medical practitioner at Rubuguri HCIV and Sr. Grace Kyoheirwe, In-charge Public Health Kisoro hospital were deeply grieved by the passing of their child who had great prospects ahead of her.
The lead Celebrant, St. Andrews Cathedral Vicar Rev. Jonas Niyonzima said the world is greatly burdened by heart ache, disease, poverty and fear, but all Christians must continue to have faith in the Lord.

Medical workers from Kisoro hospital turned up in large numbers to show support to the family of the bereaved.
SOPs were difficult to observe as people wore face masks but no social distancing.


Marcus Aurelius once said, “it is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”
Farewell Franklin Ayebare.
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